Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May 21st

....and it's raining!  We were hoping to set off this week - Thursday if possible - on our cross Canada motorcycle trip, but so far the weather is not cooperating.  We know we will hit rain soon enough on such a long trip but that doesn't mean we have to start in it.

I (LZB) have been figuring out how to add even more luggage capacity to the Goldwing so we both can take enough clothes to last for a while plus a few tools in case something should go wrong.  I fitted my V-Strom tank bag to it today and that gives us quite a bit of extra capacity.

We're both very excited now to be going and just hope the clouds will clear enough to get started.


  1. Here's hoping for clear skies all across Canada. Wishing you and The all the best and looking forward to reading about your trip. Remember to keep the rubber side down and the sunny side up.

  2. Thx Scott. Still hoping to dip our toes in the Pacific here at Ambleside Thursday morning but it's 50/50 at this point. Do you have the Ultra Glide yet? You two can always ride out to Burrowing Owl with us Day 1 !!

  3. Wish I could but I'll be in Brooks Alberta Thursday and Friday (maybe you can catch up to me - I'll treat for coffee). My bike is in Edmonton as they still can not find a crate to put it in. I've offered to fly out and ride it back but apparently the BC Government wants to make sure they get their PST on the sale so will have to wait until it arrives. Hopefully soon.
