Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Day Five - Winnipeg, Manitoba

Imagine if you will fields of golden wheat, ripening under a warm blue prairie sky.  The view stretching to the horizon. Canadian Pacific rail cars laden with beef, ore, grain - the abundance of Canada's agricultural and mineral heartland traveling east to the Great Lakes and on to the world.

Well, we imagined that too, but it was not to be. Instead we endured driving rain, almost no visibility, brutal crosswinds, hail and just about everything except a tornado or snow!  Today we traveled from Regina to Winnipeg and every km was hard won!

By the way, a big shout out to the Red Barn in Moosomin, great shelter from the elements and a pretty mean tortellini soup and coffee.  We laughed like crazy people when they asked how our day was going so far, and the diners kept their distance from two obviously deranged travelers.  We, however, probably never laughed so hard.  Did we want coffee to go - on a motorbike?  You must be kidding (and they were)!

Tonight we are in Winnipeg and the feeling is...... Brown!  It's a little drab here, but we have just had a terrific steak and rib dinner and we are absolutely soused! 

Here's a typical little house on the prairie

Winnipeg is a great old Canadian city.  Here's the Golden Boy that sits atop the Manitoba legislature.

Tomorrow we soon cross into Ontario and it will take us some time to work our way down to Toronto. We plan to slow the last few days pace down quite a bit.

Tired, drunk,  and happy - that's it for today! 

1 comment:

  1. For goodness sake .... you two are getting there faster than Air Canada could!!!! Maybe the driving rain is giving you added impetus! But well done! You surely deserve some warmth and sunshine soon!

    Love cucci x
